Legend has it that in around 1184 BCE, Menestheus, the king of Athens, was returning home after the Trojan War but discovered that his throne had been taken from him, so he had to emigrate.

Aimlessly sailing the seas, he ended up at the mouth of the Guadalete River, where he founded the Port of Menesteo.

Known as the City of a Hundred Palaces, it was Spain’s trading hub with its possessions in the Americas and Indies in the 17th and 18th centuries. 

It was Alfonso X the Wise who, during the 13th century, after conquering it from the Muslims, changed its name to Santa María del Puerto. And in 1729 the Court of Philip V chose it to establish his official summer residence, making it fashionable as a tourist destination even back then.


The most outstanding festivities in El Puerto are its Carnivals and their troupes in February; the impressive Easter processions in March or April; the Spring Fair that always follows Seville’s Fair; the Fine Wine Festival; the Patios Festival; and the Virgen del Carmen Festival and its beautiful boat procession on the Guadalete River. But other nearby events also bring a lot of life to El Puerto such as the Moto GP championship at the Jerez de la Frontera circuit (the Motorada) and the Horse Fair, also held in Jerez.


Architecturally, this is a city full of different influences and styles where you can find historical monuments that are markedly Gothic, Mudejar, Baroque or Rococo.

Highlights include the Iglesia Mayor Prioral church that is a stone’s throw from our house, the Castle of San Marcos and various palace-houses.

All the history and culture of this city, together with the numerous nearby beaches and its popular festivals, make El Puerto de Santa María a must-visit destination, bewitching many visitors, who return again and again.

Last but not least, the gastronomy, the wine and the local wineries are the icing on the cake of an unforgettable trip.

That's why, when you arrive at the house, Monbull Home will offer you our favorite recommendations and suggestions.